Some people go to Star Wars conventions, some people go to comic book conventions, some people go to tech conventions. Me? Well, in addition to the above-mentioned nerd-fests, I’ll be attending a punk rock convention. That’s right, for the past five years, the artistically unassuming town of Austin Texas has been infiltrated with the dregs of the world for a weekend of blast beats and guitar shredding Japanese guys, otherwise known as, Chaos in Tejas.
My BF, Craig, and I have discussed making the trip a few times, but we always put it off until it was too late and tickets were sold out. This time, no hesitation, I reserved a room, called in a favor for some “frequent-flier” tickets and snatched up a five show pass.

I'll let you know how much fun I had when I get back. If I get back.
There used to be something like this for heavy metal in New Jersey in Asbury Park... I don't know if it's still around but it sounds like fun, which I'm sure you'll have