When my mom and I get together, I become a crafting maniac. Something about the sound of her needles clickety- clacking gets me motivated. So, last week, I found an adorable crochet pattern at lionbrand.com for amigurumi bunny baskets. Of course I had to try it. Mom made the first one and I finished the rest. It doesn’t take very long at all. If you are a speedy crocheter, you could finish one while watching a movie. I watched Where the Wild Things Are. The baskets were a big hit with the family and I finally used up a bunch of that crappy acrylic yarn that I’ve wanted to get rid of.

My mom discovered a pattern that works perfect with the Swiffer© brand mops. She spent her movie-watching time making me three adorable, reusable Swiffer© covers. I’ve never used one of these things before because I didn’t like the idea of the excessive consumer waste. Now, I can use one (or two) reusable covers for the daily sweeping, then use the third one for the weekend mopping and throw them all in the wash at the end of the day. It works great and is about a hundred times easier than sweeping and mopping the traditional way. Let me know if you want some. I think my mom might sell them.
okay, this is shelley benvenuti and i just happened to stumble upon your blog while zoning out today (ie: keeping pregnant back and legs off floor due to lame pain) and I personally think this is a damn fine idea. I hate swifter pads... what a ridiculous cleaning product. If you could market this, i think you'll make a million... just think, whole foods will personally buy this up in seconds. and you could use wool thread so its super absorbent. anyhow, hope you are well. thanks for entertaining me with your blog this afternoon.