This weekend was truly amazing. Ted got us tickets to see Elvis Costello play with the Imposters in Reno at the Peppermill. Our friend Andy's mom frequents the place and got us a complimentary meal and way discounted rates on a room. Along with our room came "VIP access" meaning we had access to a fully stocked bar in a private lounge area that was completely free!In this lounge was where we started our little stay at the Peppermill and where we not-so-surprisingly spent a good amount of time.
After a few cocktails and a hearty trip through the buffet line we meandered over to the auditorium in which the show was taking place. Our seats, as pricey as the were, left something to be desired but we were super stoked to even be there.
Elvis played early hit after early hit and motioned to the crowd to come in closer.
Now, this wasn't your average standing room concert. People were seated in assigned seats and for the most part were happy to stay where they were. There were, however, enough people who were willing to answer Mr. Costello's beckoning call and rush towards the stage. Once bodies started moving forward I grabbed Ted's hand and forward we went. The security made everyone head back to their seats and we were all turned around, but not too soon to where we didn't get to rock out to "Chelsea" right in front of the stage.
As we were being turned around, Ted and I ducked into a closer row then our assigned seats and moved even closer once we received a text message from our friend Andy who also snuck into better seats, THIRD ROW SEATS!! He said there were chairs for us so away we snuck. Success!
Elvis played amazing song after amazing song and did it all without a 2nd guitar player. He played all the leads himself and even broke into a couple of mini jams sessions mid set. He played "Watching the Detectives", "Pump It Up", "Radio Radio", Peace Love and Understanding", "I can't Stand Up for Falling Down" and so many other amazing songs. I swear to god it was like being inside an Elvis Costello Greatest Hits album. The night was really magical and we managed to push even closer during Elvis' encore. I literally got to be like 8 feet away from the legend. It was effing awesome! Thank you Mr. Costello for an awe-inspiring good time!
Wish I was there! Sounds like the perfect evening with your soon to be best friend.