
Earlier this year, I found this adorable set of silver plated salt and pepper shakers at an estate sale. They were dirty and oxidized, but my mom collects S&P shakers and I just knew she would want them (I hope she doesn't read this blog, they are her Christmas present this year!). Last night, while cleaning them, I discovered a very interesting stamp on the bottom. It read, "Made in Occupied Japan." I'd never heard of that and was intrigued. After a quick Google search, I learned that between 1945 and 1952, the U.S. Government assisted the country of Japan in becoming economically stable again. Money from the U.S. went toward manufacturing of ceramics, pottery and metal crafts in Japan. These brick-a-brac were then shipped back to the U.S. and sold to us with a stamp reading, "Made in Occupied Japan." What do ya know about that!
These look like something that Kortnee would own. Very interesting story though