It is that time of year again, time to strap on the walking shoes, comfy shorts and sun screen and head to the California State Fair for a day of pigs, rides and food. Not necessarily in that order. In fact, first order of the day was food. The Ol’ Man and I started the fair right, arriving just as the gates opened to the public and heading straight for the food promenade. We shared a world famous county fair cinnamon bun, complete with cream cheese frosting. It was so gooey and delicious that I wanted another one right away. Listening to my smarter sub-conscience, I decided not to.

After being chased by animatronic dinosaurs, we headed to the livestock nursery where we saw a calf that had just been born only four hours earlier. We also got a close look at the baby piggies. There was no one on “petting duty” so I did not get to hold one, but I sure do love their cute little piggy butts!

On our way back to the main food court, we wandered through the wine tent. Normally, there is this hokey fake jungle that fits the theme for the year. I always like to go through it and pretend I am a part of what ever adventure lies within. This year, however, we had our socks blown out of our asses when we wandered into the view of a real life anaconda. Holy poop, it was huge! The thing was no less than 15 feet, and maybe more, since we couldn’t actually see the whole body. There were also giant turtles and enormous boa constrictors. There were so many different varieties of snakes, I couldn’t remember them all.

The reptile excursion left us hungry for something deep fried. I found the perfect food stand and ordered deep fried cheese curds. Now, I’d never had a cheese curd, so my mouth was pleasantly surprised to have such a horribly delicious treat. Craig found the jumbo corn dog stand, and we were set for a few hours.

We wandered around for the rest of the day, checking out the gadgets in the retail expo buildings and admiring the pencil drawings of that kid from Twilight at the high school art exhibits. Another favorite area for me is the “Fur and Feathers” building. I love the giant, floppy-eared bunnies and the exotic Japanese black chickens. This year, I fell in love with the Peruvian Guiney pigs. I’m seriously thinking about raising one myself. Maybe I’d even show it at next year’s State Fair. That is if my stupid cat doesn’t eat it first.
After we visited every exhibit, ogled every farm animal and scoped out every souvenir we hit the food stands one last time for an ear of roasted corn and a root beer float. State Fair: done! I’m going back again, at least two more times. I have to do my “pick-up” days. That’s when I go back for the fair food I didn’t have room to fit in my stomach, the rides I was too tired to stand in line for, and the crash-em-up derby that is only on the last two days of the fair.
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