Several weeks ago I stumbled upon this blog post which led me to this website which led me to this article.
My bud Kristie and I had been throwing around the idea of having a clothes swap party but just never got it off the ground....that is, until I read all the swap-erific literature the webz has to offer!
I quickly put together a list of girlfriends and sent out an evite. We had a turn-out of 10 which was actually quite ideal.
The rules were as follows:
-Everyone must bring a minimum of 5 articles of clothing, shoes, accessories etc
-Everyone also brings a snack or a boozy bottle of sorts
-We all drew numbers to determine our "picker" order - numbers were re-drawn for each round
-We went in order of our numbers and chose from the pile what we wanted to claim as our own!
That's it! So simple yet so effing awesome! Everyone had a blast and we were able to trade in some of our closet clutter for some new treasures!
It has already been determined that this swap is going to be a bi-annual event..... I kinda can't wait until February!!!!!
whatever, brofest was way more fun... oh wait, it didn't happen.